Is College Worth It? The Value of Education
Last updated: March 4, 2022

Written by: Jon Wollman
Should we offer student
loans? That is the question that many credit unions have been asking
themselves. While the demand is there from their members, there are
numerous stories warning of the growing debt load and potential risk. One
of the most common questions asked by credit unions looking at student loans is
whether the benefit of education justifies the cost. Recent data shows
that a college education is indeed a great investment.
A college degree has long been
considered a good value due to the higher income potential. Even in
today's market, this benefit remains significant. The College Board, in
their study "Education Pays 2016," found that the annual median income for an
individual with a bachelor's degree working full-time was 67% higher than those
with just a high school degree. Even after calculating in the cost of a
four-year degree along with the delayed earnings while in college, the research
shows that lifetime earnings were nearly twice that for those with a college
Recent research done by the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, however, has demonstrated the financial
benefit of a college education extends beyond just income. In their
January 2020 article entitled "The College Wealth Divide: Education and
Inequality in America, 1956-2016," they have determined that not only does a
college degree create a wage premium, but an even more significant wealth
Using new long-run microdata,
the researchers were able to view trends in income and wealth for both college
degree households and non-college degree households from 1956 through
2016. What they discovered was that both college and non-college
households were able to develop at about the same rate into the 1970s.
Since that time, however, the patterns have diverged significantly.
Income growth and wealth growth for non-college households has remained
stagnate since 1971. College graduate households, however, have seen
their income grow by about 1.5 times its 1971 level. Overall wealth
growth has seen an even more striking difference with college households
growing 3 times the 1971 level. What this data makes clear is that a
college education remains a good investment, not just in terms of income, but
more significantly in household wealth.
This is great news for
credit unions considering the addition of a private student loan program.
Financing a college education is one of the first major financial decisions a
person makes. Credit unions are perfectly positioned to provide guidance
and insight along with much needed private education loans for students and
families at this critical juncture. The result will be the start of a
lifelong relationship with those that will become some of the best credit union
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